Herbal Classes
We are so delighted to offer opportunities to gather, build herbal community and learn from each other this season on the farm. Connection is our key here. As herbalists, we believe that our ability to connect with the growing plants has been an essential part of our herbal learning and helps us deepen our understanding in our practices. We want to share that with you!
Our classes will be beginner friendly and open to anyone with a curiosity for getting started working with the plants. We’ll cover basic techniques in folk herbalism for home use, and help you get hands on experience to use in your daily life. You will be lead in the field by two herbalists, so we can answer any questions that might come up, while also demonstrating correct preparation and techniques.
There are six classes planned for 2024, one each month from May - October. You can sign up for one, a few, or get them as a packaged deal. These classes will be held in our herbal gardens on Sunday mornings from 9am - 1pm and will help us build our plant tending skills, processing and herbalism knowledge, plant identification and intuition.
The Herbalists supporting the Classes
“I love learning, and am always involved in a new course or have my nose in a different herbal book. I believe the plants are always teaching us, and I’ve learned an exceptional amount of wisdom through the arts of foraging and wildcrafting - identifying and sustainably harvesting plants in their native habitat.”
She got into herbalism through farming over a decade ago. It’s been a slow and steady learning process of growing the plants, going deeper with courses and years of practice. Her biggest joy has been in helping facilitate other folk’s connection with the plants by sharing our gardens and spaces.
She started Sacred Sun’s herbal line as a way for busy folks to get high quality and locally grown products to support their wellness. You can find her at SacredSunFarm.co
Overview of the Herbal Classes
Each month we’ll be building our skills through four different components: Materia Medica of 3 plants, Plant care/ tending, Herb process/ herbalism skill, and Intuition building. Here is what we’ve got planned for each month, although some of these may change, if necessary.
August 4th:
- Tulsi, Anise Hyssop, Calendula
- Infused Honeys
- Fresh Indigo Dye
- Harvesting and Drying Herbs
September 8th:
- Mugwort, Goldenrod, Mint
- Infused Vinegars and Shrubs
- Plant Observation/ Meditation
- Processing and Storage of Herbs
October 6th:
- Echinacea, Ashwagandha, Elecampane
- Balms
- Mullein Torch Crafting
- Winter Garden Prep
May 26th:
- Chamomile, Nettle, Dandelion
- Herbalism Intro and Infusions
- Intuitive Plant Drawing
- Starting Herb Seeds
June 9th:
- California Poppy, Milky Oats, Yarrow
- Tinctures in Alcohol and Glycerin
- Dying with Flowers
- How to Transplant/ Pot up herbs
July 7th:
- Garlic, Marshmallow, Lemon Balm
- Infused Oils
- Gathered Plant Design
- Soil Care and Mulching Techniques